Sprint Details:
- Sprint Number: Sprint #23
- Sprint Duration: June 1, 2024, to June 14, 2024
- Sprint Goal: Enhance mobile app security features and improve user authentication experience.
Sprint Goals:
- Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enhance security by adding 2FA for user logins and transactions.
- Biometric Authentication: Integrate biometric authentication (fingerprint and face recognition) for a seamless and secure login experience.
- Password Strength Checker: Develop a feature to assess and enforce strong password criteria during account creation and password resets.
Sprint Backlog:
- User Stories:
- Story #1: Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
- As a user, I want an additional layer of security for logging in and making transactions.
- Acceptance Criteria:
- Implement 2FA using SMS verification codes.
- Allow users to enable/disable 2FA in their account settings.
- Story #2: Integrate Biometric Authentication
- As a user, I want the option to use biometric authentication for a quicker and more secure login process.
- Acceptance Criteria:
- Integrate fingerprint and face recognition authentication methods.
- Ensure compatibility with devices that support biometric sensors.
- Story #3: Password Strength Checker
- As a user, I want to create a strong password to protect my account.
- Acceptance Criteria:
- Develop a password strength checker that evaluates password complexity.
- Display password strength feedback in real-time during account creation and password resets.
- Tasks:
- Task #1: Implement backend logic for generating and verifying SMS verification codes.
- Task #2: Develop frontend UI components for enabling/disabling 2FA in user account settings.
- Task #3: Integrate biometric authentication SDKs for fingerprint and face recognition.
- Task #4: Design and implement UI screens for biometric authentication setup and usage.
- Task #5: Develop password strength algorithm and integrate it with account creation and password reset workflows.
Sprint Progress:
- Completed User Stories:
- Story #1: Implement Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
- Implemented backend logic for generating and verifying SMS verification codes.
- Developed frontend UI components for enabling/disabling 2FA.
- Tested 2FA functionality in staging environment and resolved any issues.
- In Progress:
- Story #2: Integrate Biometric Authentication
- Backend integration of biometric authentication SDKs is underway.
- UI design for biometric authentication setup screens is in progress.
- Pending:
- Story #3: Password Strength Checker
- Development of password strength algorithm is pending code review.
- UI integration for displaying password strength feedback is scheduled for next sprint.